Dream Swing
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Purchasing and using the Dream Swing may be the Smartest investment a golfer can make. Don't be on the course with a $400 club and a 25 cent swing.

Every person who owns a set of Golf Clubs should also own a Dream Swing, so they learn how to swing them right.

Tested and Approved by PGA Tour Partners Club

PGA Partners Approved

Order Today and Play Better Golf Tomorrow! 800-532-4542

When you learn this swing you will play better golf.

About Our Company

The Dream Swing Mission Statement

The Mission of Dream Swing Inc. is to provide the ultimate source that all golfers at every level can look to to achieve better golf scores. Our Mission is to provide the fastest, easiest, most effective methods whereby golfers can improve their golf swing mechanics. Our Mission is to help golfers enjoy the game more by replacing frustration with excitement and satisfaction on the course. Our Mission is to provide the World's Most Effective Golf Swing Training Aid that will eliminate the tremendous amount of time, money and effort golfers waste practicing mistakes in their swings. Our Mission is to provide the best customer service in the business and to have the happiest customers in the industry.

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to view Master PGA Instructor
Dick Loring's Press Release

©2008 Dream Swing, Inc.
451 W Hwy 24 Paul, ID 83347