Dream Swing
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Paul McCormack

COO of Rankmark

The Dream Swing attracted a great deal of attention at our February 2009 driver test. I am no expert on training aids, but I can tell you that the comments I heard about the Dream Swing were overwhelmingly positive.

Most of the golfers approached the Dream Swing in a very cautious manner. After all, it is a little intimidating at first. Initially, golfers appeared quite uncomfortable with the Dream Swing. They were really not sure how to use the aid. The inventor, Clint Harper very quickly put the uninitiated at ease.

Within two or three swings under Clint’s guidance, the golfer’s swings changed plane and appeared much more fluid. The Dream Swing not only helped correct their swing plane, it appeared to force golfers to better position their weight at address, during the swing and at swing completion. Clint also helped numerous golfers correctly rotate their hips through the shot.

I personally saw numerous golfers swings develop before my eyes. More importantly, once they returned to the range to hit balls, the “new” swing stayed largely intact. One golfer actually commented that he did realize how bad his swing actually was until he used the Dream Swing.

Based on the testers' extremely positive feedback, they really liked what the Dream Swing did to their swing.

ApprovedPlayer Tested and Approved

PGA Partners Club

The Dream Swing has been tested and approved by the PGA Players Club. Those involved with the testing were very impressed and had great things to say about it. Read more...

Frank Menges

USGTF Certified Instructor

I started using the Dream Swing with my beginning students last year. Students that I used it on seem to get the idea of the proper takeaway, impact and follow through. They couldn’t take the club back on the inside like they did before they used it. I like it because if you don’t finish properly you will hit yourself in the head. Doing that a few times will help you learn quicker. The best thing about the Dream Swing with beginning students is you can hit balls while using it That’s where the learning process really speeds up. Getting that sensation of how the full swing is supposed to feel is the greatest benefit of this learning tool. I use the Dream Swing myself when I feel my swing getting a little out of sync. This year I will be using it more on some of my better players to get their feedback.

Bob Fagan

2003 Golf Nut of the Year

"You have seen this swing improvement device advertised on numerous occasions in Golf Today, including a front cover. I am proud to announce that this writer agrees with the leader of Golf Today, Bob Koczor, that the Dream Swing may be one of the most effective swing devices ever on the market. An instructor can verbally communicate how a proper swing may feel, but the Dream Swing is the first device I’ve encountered that truly allows you to actually feel a good swing yourself, and the entire swing at that. Swinging confidently and powerfully on plane is the key to striking the golf ball for power and accuracy time after time. With the Dream Swing, the device actually forces the golfer into the proper positions. If you fail to produce a proper swing, the Dream Swing will immediately communicate that to you. Even if you are an accomplished player, you may possibly whiff or terribly miss your shot until you correct your swing weaknesses.The product comes neatly packaged and can be set up in a few minutes on the range or indoors. I have had the device for nearly a year and was concerned about two features. First, the price is significant, but it has been lowered to $259 wich is quite a bargain. Secondly, one of the structural components tends to fatigue and break. The good news is that the company promptly supplied me with a replacement and since has improved the part’s durability. This device is as useful to a touring pro as it is to a novice.Previously articles have gone into detail about how the Dream Swings works, so I won’t go further here. Suffice it to say that I own one and use it often.

Jeff Herring

USGTF Member
Windsor High School Golf Coach
Windsor, Colorado

I am a high school golf coach and a certified member of United States Golf Teachers Federation.
I use the DREAM SWING during practices for my high school golfers and when I give individual lessons.

As a coach and golf teacher, I understand the importance of building correct muscle memory through practice. However, if you are practicing the wrong thing, it can be disastrous.
The DREAM SWING builds muscle memory in the correct swing path. My students can feel what the correct swing path is instead of having to be told what to do. They learn faster and maintain what they have learned. Spending just 10 minutes on the DREAM SWING is like having a professional lesson. My students use the DREAM SWING every chance they get and the more they use it the better they play.

My handicap went from a 5 to a 0 after using the DREAM SWING for one season.

Jim Albus

Jim AlbusSenior PGA Tour Professional. Top 31 on All-Time Money List

"The Dream Swing is at the top of my list of golf equipment that can help a person play better golf and achieve what they are trying to do with their golf swing. The Dream Swing feels very similar to my own swing. It puts me in the position I want to be in. It puts me in the position I've been trying to get into for a long time. The Dream Swing forces you to do things right. It gives you a feel and a sensation and great feedback on what you need to be doing in your golf swing."

Logan Sanders

Director of AFGS, Petaluma, California

"Without a doubt the best swing aid I've ever seen. When my students purchase The Dream Swing it is like having a golf instructor with them at all times."

Mike Adams

Director of Instruction at the Academy of Golf at PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

"The Dream Swing turns my words into 'feel,' making my instructions more effective. It's my #1 teaching assistant. Whatever your level of play, The Dream Swing is perfect for you."

Joe Redanty

Retired PGA teaching professional

"If golf instructors don't put the Dream Swing on the practice range at their course, they are doing their members an injustice. It is difficult to teach a 55 year old man or woman correct swing techniques. It's hard work. I know, I've done it. The Dream Swing makes it easy. There should be one at every practice range at every golf course."

Geoff Bryant

President of the United States Golf Teacher's Federation

"The Dream Swing is the most advanced training aid available. It dramatically accelerates the learning process for the beginner and instantly puts better players on their most productive swing planes. It actually allows students to feel and retain the perfect swing for their bodies. If you want to become a more effective teaching professional, I highly recommend you use the Dream Swing in your golf teaching program."

Brad Bastow

Voted 1995 "Golf Nut of the Year" by Golf Nuts Society

"I would like to introduce you to one of the most brilliant and innovative golf instructional aids I have had the opportunity to encounter. As 1995's "Golf Nut of the Year" I have purchased literally thousands of dollars worth of golf items, from books, video tapes, instructional tapes and golf lessons as well as numerous golf aids, in search of acquiring the perfect swing and improving my golf game. In the past few months I have had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Charlie Whitney who is the co-owner of the company who produced the most innovative and helpful golf aid ever built. This item allows you to practice on a range or in your home and automatically allows you to acquire the proper swing plane whether you like to draw or fade the ball. It allows your muscles to acquire a memory for the proper swing plane, therefore markedly improving your golf game. On the surface this would appear to be no different than many of the other golf aids, however, it is quite unique and only trying this device will make everyone a complete believer. I had originally seen the video on this item which does not do it justice until you have actually taken some swings with it and realize that the perfect golf swing is attainable and quite easy with very minimal effort with the right tools. I am a living testimony that this device works and would be glad to talk to any of the "golf nuts" about it anytime. I encourage anyone who is having difficulties with their game to try The Dream Swing."

Nils Nelson

Free lance writer assigned to analyze and write about the Dream Swing for Golf Tips Magazine wrote this personal letter

"The write-up on the Dream Swing went very well. But beyond that, I'm writing to tell you just how great I think your invention is. As soon as I set it up in the backyard and took a swing, I felt exactly what it is I've been striving for. The past month or so I've been working on my takeaway, but not quite getting it in the groove. On the Dream Swing, I swung right into position and felt the club hit the "slot" at the top of my swing and CLICK! - The light went on. I went out to the range and tried out the swing and I hit the ball really well -- a lot of confidence. I hit my long irons high and straight for the first time in my life. I've tried a lot of training aids over the years, but this is the first one that has really made a difference. I believe the Dream Swing will take me to the next plateau. I've been stuck in the same place (high 70s to low 80s) for a long time and with just this brief amount of work this weekend I can tell I'm well on my way to better scores and more solid shotmaking."

Charles Clement

Director of America's Favorite Golf School (AFGS) Gettysburg, Pennslyvania

"Reasons I like The Dream Swing:
1. Easy to set up, easy to take down
2. Easy to adjust to any size golfer.
3. Accommodates all body types and swing paths - flat, upright, in to out, out to in, etc.
4. My students get results and they love it."

©2008 Dream Swing, Inc.
451 W Hwy 24 Paul, ID 83347