Dream Swing
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Master Groover vs. Dream Swing

The reason the Dream Swing is so effective is because it gives you no choices. We have a stand that secures into the ground with the ropes and stakes or onto a wall with the wall bracket. There is a Rod coming from the top of the stand. Not ropes or cables like the master groover. With the Dream Swing, your arms, hands and golf club are forced to swing On-Plane. Therefore, if your body does any kind of incorrect motion that would cause the club to travel off-plane, you will at that instant put resistance against the stand and it will give you the feedback of the incorrect or bad swing motion. If you don't do it right, you can't swing it right. You can't get away with practicing mistakes in it.

There are actually several things wrong with the master groover. The main one is that again there are ropes or cables coming from the top of the stand that connect to the club. You can manipulate a rope. They keep you from pulling to far out but they do nothing to correct "Over the Top." Even on the demonstration video the guy has an over the top swing which causes the ball to slice. You can also cross the club over the line at the top and then of course swing down to the ball and make contact.

In the Dream Swing you have a rod between the club and the top of the stand. It pushes and forces you into the correct position without you having to think about it. If you pull on the ropes on the Master Groover and keep them tight it guides you to the correct position. Cables don't push anything. So where the Master Groover is perhaps effective some what to set a person in the correct position at the top. it lets you manipulate it on the down swing. Golfers can practice swing flaws such as straightening the back leg and not rotating your hips right like you see the guy do on their website. Straightening your back leg or swaying is the biggest problem golfers have. Because the Master groover allows you to manipulate it on the down swing it actually doesn't give you feed back of being in a bad position at the top.

Golfer typically sway out as they swing back. Their weight goes to the outside on their back foot and even in some cases to the back heel. From this position the golfer throws the club from the top which creates the over the top swing which causes the ball to slice. You can do that motion in the Master Groover. So, you can actually practice an off-plane or over the top swing in it.

You don't want that. You want the trainer you purchase to give you instant feedback of every incorrect motion. If you sway out in the Dream Swing on your take away, then throw the club from the top or, swing over the top, you will be pushing against the stand and because there is a rod between your club and the stand, the Dream Swing will effect your swing and guide your club into the ground. You will not be able to get your club head back to where the ball would be.

Look at my Photo Gallery. The Guy in the pictures is forced to swing on a perfect swing plane. If you are forced to do it, you will get the feeling of the motion. If there is no resistance you don't get the muscle or motor programming. If you jump on a trampoline and there is no gravity, you would have no sensation of your body wanting to be moving up and down when you step off the trampoline. The Dream Swing provides that resistance and feedback throughout the entire swing where the master groover basically doesn't let you pull the club to far out on the take away. It lets you swing over the top on the down swing and after impact it keeps you down the line but will let you loop towards the stand as you get to the top of your finish position. It doesn't matter what anybody says about it. That is what physics allow you to do in it.

A compass guides and forces a pencil to travel in a perfect circle. If you had a string attached to a fixed point and tied a pencil to the other end, you could go inside all day long. Over the top is when the club travels toward the stand. The Master Grover allows you to do that.

Do you want to spend your money on something that allows you to practice mistakes in it? You don't want to waste your time practicing something like that. If you were to do this kind of a motion in the Dream Swing it would be guiding your club into the ground a foot behind the ball.

The Master Groover does not address lower body. You don't have to shift your weight or rotate you hips right to swing it because of the ropes or cables that are connected between the club and the top of the stand.

The reason I am persuing marketing the Dream Swing is to provide a way for golfers to eliminate the time, money and effort they waste practicing mistakes. Golfers typically develop, or program their minds with bad habits in the golf swings and then spend the rest of their lives practicing those mistakes because that is the motion that is in their minds. They have never felt anything different. You can't do a motion you have never felt. So they continue to pactice their same mistakes. You don't want to spend your money on a trainer that allows you to practice your swing. You want something that forces you to practice the best swing your body can swing. You actually want no choices but to practice your best swing every swing. Practice make Permanent. Perfect Practice Makes Perfect. The Dream Swing forces you to have Perfect Practice or you will be digging trenches in your yard.

Because the Dream Swing forces the club to travel on-plane you don't have to think about swinging the golf club while connected into it. You can focus on what your body needs to do. This is actually I believe the best feature of the Dream Swing. It allows you to focus on all the motions your body needs to do to swing a correct swing while it is their to basically slap you if you do something wrong.

I promise, as you are given no choices, you will learn it. When we are talking about learning your best golf swing this is all good.

Other features that make the Dream Swing more effective and attractive than the Master Groover.
1. The Dream Swing is easy to set up and take down.
2. Easy to transport to a range from your back yard.
3. Provides resistance throughout the entire swing which guarantees you will get the Kinesthic feel of what the correct swing feels like.
4. It is easy to switch clubs in and easily adjust for all clubs from the Putter to the Driver.
5. It is a fantastic putting aid. A master PGA Instructor actually said, it may be a better putting aid that a full swing aid and it teaches a perfect full swing.
6. When it is set the same it provides the same repititions and feed back every swing.
7. You can't manipulate it.
8. It won't let you practice mistakes in it without giving instant feedback of the mistake.
9. The Dream Swing feels better than the master groover and it teaches a more perfect swing.
10. It is the best way to help you play better golf.

©2008 Dream Swing, INC.
451 W Hwy 24 Paul, ID 83347